|  | In this issue: Women's History Month, Support for our Clinical Program, Saluting our Social Workers, Child Abuse Prevention Month, Spring Save the Dates, Concert, Thank You's, Jobs |
|  | Honoring the Women of Ukraine |
| Since 1987, Women's History Month has been celebrated in March to recognize the contribution of women in history, culture, and society. Ironically, this year's theme is "Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope." Right now, no women are making history more than those in Ukraine. While invaders annihilate their families, homeland, and heritage, the women of Ukraine are providing healing, promoting hope, and fighting back with uncompromising determination, each in their own way. They are packing supplies, making camouflage netting, and building barriers with tires. They are writing and circulating educational literature from children's hygiene in bombshells to the proper length of fingernails for firing weapons. During times of peace, women made up 15% of Ukraine's armed forces. Once the invasion began, the numbers swelled with civilian women. Under fire, many have donated blood for the wounded and searched for bodies among the rubble of shelled hospitals and homes. Some of the most poignant footage we've seen from Ukraine has been women evacuating children. Many don't want to leave their husbands, fathers, and brothers behind, but their first allegiance is protecting children, and not just their own children. |
| |  |  | Shelter's New Clinical Program is Breaking Down Barriers to Mental Health Services |
| Studies show the effects of the pandemic will continue to impact the lives of all youth, with increased suicides, drug use, and mental health crisis. For those who have already experienced trauma in their lives, the need for mental healthcare is critical. Unfortunately, for too many and too long, mental healthcare has been inaccessible due to cost, limited hours available, the need for childcare, and more. In response, Shelter created our new Clinical Program for youths in all our programs and their family members whose mental health is essential for their well-being. Our new program breaks through barriers by offering professional therapy at no charge, with flexible hours to accommodate all schedules and home visitations when requested. However, Shelter receives no government funding for the Clinical Program, and we need your support to meet the needs of children in crisis. Your contribution today will help ensure their success tomorrow. |
| |  | Thank you to our dedicated Shelter staff! |
| March is National Social Work Month. Shelter's social workers are deeply committed to helping youth, families, and our community become stronger and more resilient. For every social worker who brings back the spark in a child's eyes, who wakes up thinking of new ways to help, or brings a family back together, we say THANK YOU! Join our team -- visit shelter-inc.org for job opportunities. |
| |  |  | 1 in 5 children in Illinois will be victims of abuse by the age of 18. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month when communities across the country work together with a shared vision of all children growing up in safe and loving homes. There are lots of ways you can get involved, and the time to start is now! See below for registration details and deadlines. |
| Blue pinwheels are the the national symbol for child abuse prevention. Order your free pinwheels by March 28 to guarantee delivery by April 1. While supplies last. |
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| Family Activity Boxes are are designed to build and celebrate strong and healthy families! Create, cook, play, learn, and explore together. Order by March 25. |
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| Run or walk with us! Shelter's 5K includes a Children's Dash. Kids under 10 are FREE. Sponsorships available. Create a team and help us raise awareness and critical funds for Shelter programs. |
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| April 1 is Wear Blue Day! Post pictures and tag @shelterInc on Facebook and Twitter or ShelterIncAH on Instagram. Use the hashtags #WearBlueDay #GreatChildhoods or #GoBlueIllinois |
| During April: Coco & Blu's featured latte to benefit Shelter April 6: Chipotle on Rand Rd. in Arlington Heights. April 14: MOD Pizza in Schaumburg Show the fundraiser flyer or order online at modpizza.com and apply this digital code: MODF3594 April 19: Panda Express On-line orders at pandaexpress.com/order only. Apply code VFR907242 in the Fundraiser Code box |
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| |  | This Saturday! Use code “Shelter” for 15% off registration. |
| |  | Cooking With Class Monday, May 23 at 6;30pm, Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, Chicago 18th Annual Michael Portelli Golf Outing Wednesday, June 8 at 1:00pm, The Preserve at Oak Meadows in Addison, IL |
|  | |  | Shelter, Inc. has received an exclusive invitation to be part of a private, invitation-only concert at Bunker Hill featuring rock legend Sammy Hagar. Score great seats NOW to this unforgettable live event experience. Bunker Hill Charities returns 25% of all tickets and sponsorships sold through Shelter, back to us! During the checkout process, you must type in Shelter, Inc. when prompted to answer "How were you invited to Rockin' the Hill?" for us to receive proceeds from your purchase! |
| | |  | The Chicago Northwest Suburban Alumnae Chapter of Kappa Delta Sorority for hosting a virtual trivia night on March 5 benefitting Shelter Inc. and Prevent Child Abuse America. Since 1981, Kappa Delta chapters (collegiate and alumnae) have donated more than 26 million dollars to prevent child abuse across the country. The Palatine Rotary for their generous grant. S.A.U.C.E., a student advocacy group that helps underserved children through education, volunteering and fundraising, who has partnered with Gindo's to develop and sell "Empathy" hot sauce to benefit Shelter. |
| |  | Now Hiring: Special Events Coordinator Click here to learn more. |
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| If you share our vision that all children grow up in safe and nurturing homes, please support us today. |
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| | |  | Shelter, Inc. 1616 N. Arlington Heights Rd. | Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 847-255-8060 | shelter@shelter-inc.org |
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