| | | “If we can give everyone the tools they need...they can succeed and do great things." --Shelter Foster Care Parent | | | | Strengthening families and focusing on their well-being is the key to building strong communities. Whether it’s through promoting a collaborative relationship between birth parents and foster caregivers or providing parents with the right combination of supportive services to enable reunification, keeping families together is the number one goal of Shelter’s Foster Care program for children birth-21 years old. This May, National Foster Care Month, we recognize that foster care must be a support system for families in need, not a substitute for parents. It’s our job to help build a supportive foundation for children and parents that cultivates and preserves the family unit when it is in the best interest of the child. One of our foster parents said it best, “If we can give everyone the tools they need...they can succeed and do great things. Because it's love and family that matters." | | | |  | For more information about becoming a foster family, contact a licensed foster care specialist at 847.255.8060. | | | Every child needs someone to count on and trust. Is that someone YOU? Shelter is looking for individuals, couples and families who can open their hearts and homes to children and adolescents who have been displaced due to abuse, neglect or family crisis. These kids need the support of loving, caring and concerned adults who are willing to get involved in creating new opportunities and providing a safe, secure home. Shelter licenses all foster families and our staff of case workers provide required training and on-going support. | | | | | | "I have a deep connection with them, but I have a different understanding than I did as a client..." | | | | Full Circle: Tiffany's Story In February, Shelter welcomed Tiffany, our newest Foster Care support worker. Tiffany has not only added her cheerful personality and dedication to our team but a unique perspective; at the age of 5, she was herself in Shelter’s Foster Care Program. | | | | The youngest of seven siblings, Tiffany’s earliest years were traumatic with domestic violence in her home. The children were removed for their safety, and at the age of 5, Shelter placed Tiffany with two of her siblings in a home in the northwest suburbs that she states was a “great fit.” Since the age of 8, Tiffany knew she wanted to work in the field of child welfare, helping other kids with similar experiences. Having never waivered from her dream, she graduated last year from Northern Illinois University with a bachelor’s degree in human development and family sciences with an emphasis on family social services. After graduation, Tiffany was planning to pursue a position with DCFS, but when she saw there was an opening at Shelter, she quickly applied. “I was super excited when they called,” she said, “though I was concerned about being emotionally able to handle it. But once I started, everyone at Shelter was so welcoming; it turned out fine.” Tiffany is presently working with 11 children in foster care, and the benefits have gone both ways.“ I have a deep connection with them,” she reported, “but I have a different understanding than I did as a client. I’m learning the reality of the system, and how we work to keep families together, provide services, and encourage families, both biological and foster families, to work together with a common goal of a brighter future for their children.” Looking ahead, Tiffany reports she plans on getting her master’s degree so she can become more influential with child welfare outcomes. “My experiences have made me who I am,” she said, and who she is is a very special person. | | | | |  | Many of our families are currently struggling to make ends meet due to the temporary loss of jobs or decreased hours of work. There is an immediate need for basic necessities such as food, toilet paper, and disinfectant wipes. You can help by purchasing gift cards to Target, Walmart, or Amazon and sending them directly to our email at shelter@shelter-inc..org. They will either be forwarded to the families who need them or we will purchase items and have them delivered directly to their homes. Or you may purchase items directly from our AmazonSmile Charity List (below). | | | | | | Help Out From Home! Shelter's Spring Clothing Drive is all online! Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic all donations must be new and shipped directly to Shelter from stores such as Amazon, Target, Walmart, Carter's, The Children's Place and more. Or you can make an appointment for a no-contact donation drop off. To sign up, click here. | | | | Our Virtual 5K is off and running! Register to walk/run by May 9! | | | | | By now, you’ve probably seen the crazy “races” that have been run around the world, from a man in France running a marathon on his balcony to a Virginia man completing 26.2 miles on his driveway! We’re not suggesting you take on an at-home marathon, but we are thinking a 5K might be just the fun you’re looking for! Register for Shelter’s Virtual 5K Run/Walk 4 Kidz. We promise it will feel good to do some good right now! Run your race, at your pace anytime and anywhere (even on your treadmill) until May 9. Every runner/walker registered will receive a t-shirt! Let’s do this “together” and raise needed funds for Shelter programs. Snap a picture of yourself running or walking and post on social media. Tag @shelterinc on Facebook and Twitter or @ShelterIncAH on Instagram. Use#Run4Shelter. | | | | | TO OUR COMMUNITY Kindness, compassion, generosity… These are just a few words to describe the way our community has “shown up” for the Shelter family during this very challenging time. We thank our local businesses who, unsolicited, sent pizzas, Easter dinners, fresh produce and sweet treats to our emergency group homes and transitional living programs. We do not take for granted the power of delicious food and a shared meal to lift spirits and keep people connected during a time when physical distancing is required. Thank you to the individual who answered our public call—literally within a few hours-- for a new basketball hoop for the Transitional Living Program. Our young men are back enjoying hoops on the driveway! We have been overwhelmed by the number of people who dropped off hard-to-get-your-hands-on products like diapers, hand sanitizer, cleaning products, gloves, masks and toilet paper. And for those who purchased gift cards for families or contributed to our Family Crisis Fund, know that you are helping to provide life necessities for children and families in need. Our hearts are full. Thank you. | | | TO OUR STAFF Sometimes it takes a crisis to discover the real power of dedication and teamwork. The COVID-19 crisis has shown a spotlight on our front-line staff who have gone to work each day at Shelter’s Emergency Group Homes and Transitional Living Program to provide critical care, compassion, cooking, supervision, diversion and support to the kids and young men in our community who need it most. Thank you, you make us very proud! Click below to watch our Thank You video. | |  |  | Thank you Woodcrafters DIY Studio in Arlington Heights for donating art project kits for our Emergency Group Homes and Transitional Living Programs. Our girls made these beautiful inspirational plaques. | | | | | GOLF OUTING MOVED TO SEPTEMBER 23 Hit the links on September 23 for the 16th Annual Michael Portelli Memorial Golf Tournament at the Mackray Memorial Golf Course in Barrington. Don’t miss this signature event which features a shot-gun start and scramble, raffles, prizes and games on the course. Dinner with an open bar is included. This is a great way to raise needed funds to help support Shelter’s programs for kids and families in crisis. For registration and sponsorship information, contact Barb at bmzursky@shelter-inc.org. | |  | | | | | |  | Shelter, Inc. 1616 N. Arlington Heights Rd. | Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004 847-255-8060 | shelter@shelter-inc.org | | | | | | | | |