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In this issue: Making Holiday Memories, Bunker Hill Exclusive Concert, Gala Wrap Up, Holiday Giving, Jobs at Shelter

Thanks for the Memories

"Every child deserves a happy childhood, one they would not be sad to remember later on."

'Tis the holiday season when gift-giving plays a prominent role. Much time is spent finding the perfect toy, the right-size clothes, or anything for that hard-to-shop-for relative. Too often, we forget the best gift of all is a happy memory. It can last a lifetime, be opened again and again, and shared.

Thanks to you and our other Shelter Family members for making so many happy holiday memories for our children and youth throughout the year.

On Halloween, pizza and pumpkins magically appeared at our group homes. For many, it was the first time carving a pumpkin and feeling the pulp and seeds ooze between their fingers.

Everyone's birthday was remembered with a personalized gift and a reminder of how special that person is.

Memories were made coloring Easter eggs, finding an Easter basket, and going on an egg hunt.

The season's joy was shared hanging decorations, and baking cookies all sprinkled with fun and served with hot chocolate. As one girl in our Jennings Home said, "I’m finally getting the childhood I missed!”

Thanksgiving dinners with all the trimmings were served at dining room tables surrounded by friends and good cheer.

Children received a gingerbread house to make with their families (perfection not required).

There were other times when beautiful memories were made as well. The first time a child was welcomed home by their new family with unconditional love. A youth moving off the streets into their first apartment they can call home. Having someone to share thoughts and feelings with free of judgment. Times when childhood felt safe and warm.

No matter what part you played in making happy memories for children and youth, your caring made them possible. Thank you!

We wish you a happy new year filled with memories that make you smile from all of us at Shelter. Follow us on Facebook to learn more about the difference you make every day of the year!

You helped us raise $140,000 (and counting) for children and families in crisis at our first-ever virtual Home is Where the Heart Is Gala! We are so grateful for your generous support and for trusting in the work we do. If you haven't done so already, please share your thoughts about the evening by taking our survey. 

Thank you to Sophia who so bravely shared her story about her journey to overcome the trauma of her childhood. She is empowered to be the voice of those who are unable to stand up for themselves and to give them the strength to believe that they deserve love even if they weren't born into it.

Saturday, September 18, 2021 at Bunker Hill Farms in Woodstock, IL

Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Purchase tickets to this exclusive concert and your gift keeps giving.

Shelter has received an exclusive invitation to be part of a private, invitation-only concert featuring country superstar Jake Owen and rock legend Cheap Trick. This is no ordinary concert! You will enjoy an intimate concert setting at beautiful venue with top-notch service. The VIP experience includes dinner, drinks, chairs and other fun extras. Best of all, Bunker Hill Charities returns 25% of all tickets and sponsorships sold through Shelter, back to us! 

IMPORTANT:  During the checkout process, when you are prompted to answer "How were you invited to Rockin' the Hill?" you MUST type in Shelter, Inc. in order for us to receive proceeds from your purchase!

Bunker Hill Farms strictly prohibits ANY mention on ANY social media platform! This is a private, invitation-only event, and their intention is to have all attendees be supporters of local non-profit organizations. Please respect this strict policy!

Our community's kids may be more at risk than you know.

Since the pandemic began, many families in crisis have been overwhelmed, with triggers that compound child abuse. Social isolation, financial hardship, stress, and increased consumption of alcohol can all fuel family violence. 

Because 90% of abuse perpetrators are family members sheltered together and there has been reduced contact with mandated reporters like teachers and social workers, the risk for abuse has never been higher. And the need for your support has never been greater.

Will you help protect the most vulnerable youth? Now is the time to mobilize and ensure these kids find happy endings. Your gift ensures that Shelter can continue to provide safe and loving homes for children in crisis, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Choose an item from our Amazon Smile Wish List and make a difference this holiday season with one click! Items like towels, bedding, kitchen supplies, and more help our youth who are experiencing homelessness create a comfortable, new home. 

Are you interested in a rewarding non-profit career? Shelter is now hiring for the following positions:


Emergency shelter for boys and girls ages 11-17


Healthy families program for at-risk, first-time parents


Transitional Living Program for young men ages 18-21


Foster care for children from birth to age 21


Shelter, Inc.
1616 N. Arlington Heights Rd.  | Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
847-255-8060 | shelter@shelter-inc.org

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